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It's facebook, in an actual book!

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Facebook Summer of Hack NYC 2012 - face(book)^2

Jason and I showing off face(book)^2 Event Info:

The premise of face(book)^2:
face(book)^2 is a physical implementation of facebook. It is, quite literally, a facebook book. We built electronics into a large book and pulled data from the facebook api via a python script running on a computer connected wirelessly to our book via a wireless serial XBEE link.

Created by:

Book Hardware Contents

System Operation Scheme

  1. Book is opened, triggering release of limit switch
  2. MCU says hello to the computer via Xbee
  3. User logs into facebook on computer, which authenticates them via OAuth. Username is passed to book for display
  4. Book requests the news feed
  5. Computer queries user data from facebook API, formats strings, adds special characters, and transmits them back to book
  6. Book interprets datastrings and prints appopriately on screens
  7. Acceleromters can be used to "turn the page" which cycles newsfeed items
  8. User can click button next to each item to expand it, see comments, etc
  9. In expanded view, usesr can use a dedicated button to like or dislike items
  10. Accelerometer can be used to see additional comments, etc
  11. Nokia Display is used to show low-res bitmap version of user avatar

Serial Interface Documentation